This gallery represents an evolving selection of images from the archive.

Halston, New York, NY, 1975

Halston, Marisa Berenson, New York, NY, 1975

Halston, Marisa Berenson, New York, NY, 1975

Halston, Marisa Berenson, New York, NY, 1975

George Hamilton, Alana Hamilton, Los Angeles, CA, 1973

George Hamilton, Beverly Hills, CA, 1967

Mark Harmon, Beverly Hills, CA, 1983

Mark Harmon, Beverly Hills, CA, 1984

Laurence Harvey, Beverly Hills, CA, 1967

David Hasselhoff, Beverly Hills, CA, 1983

Olivia de Havilland, Beverly Hills, CA, 1971

Lillian Fontaine, Joan Fontaine, Olivia de Havilland, Beverly Hills, CA, 1972

Joan Fontaine, Olivia de Havilland, Beverly Hills, CA, 1972

Olivia de Havilland, Claude Terrail, La Tour d'Argent, Paris, France, 1980

Olivia de Havilland, Central Park, New York, NY, 1980

Olivia de Havilland, Beverly Hills, CA 1981

Olivia de Havilland, La Costa Spa, San Diego, CA, 1972

Olivia de Havilland, Paris, France

Brooke Hayward, LaCosta, CA, 1977

Joey Heatherton, Nantucket, MA, 1980

Joey Heatherton, New York, NY, 1980

Cary Grant, Alfred Hitchcock, Chasen's Restaurant, Beverly Hills, CA, 1974

Alfred Hitchcock, Chasen's Restaurant, Beverly Hills, CA, 1974

Alfred Hitchcock, Chasen's Restaurant, Beverly Hills, CA, 1974

Al Hirschfeld, New York, NY, 1999

Geoffrey Holder, New York, NY, 1975

Geoffrey Holder, New York, NY, 1975

Anthony Hopkins, Beverly Hills, CA, 1972

Anthony Hopkins, Beverly Hills, CA, 1972

Anthony Hopkins, Beverly, Hills, CA, 1972

Rock Hudson, Beverly Hills, CA, 1966

Julio Iglesis, Miami, FL, 1982

Bruce Jenner, Beverly Hills, CA, 1984

Bruce Jenner, Beverly Hills, CA, 1984

Isabel Kara, Duchess of Seville, Paris, France, 1990

Isabel Kara, Duchess of Seville, Hotel Plaza Athénée, Paris, France, 1990

Nan Kempner, Venice, Italy, 1999

Rosemary Kent, Los Angeles, CA, 1976

Marie Laforêt, Paris, France, 1989

Marie Laforêt, Paris, France, 1989

Karl Lagerfeld, Paris, France, 1995

Lorenzo Lamas, Los Angeles, CA, 1989

Kenneth Lane, New York, NY, 1967

Kenneth Lane, New York, NY, 1967

Cloris Leachman, Los Angeles, CA, 1974

Cloris Leachman, Dinah Leachman, Los Angeles, CA, 1974

Janet Leigh, Beverly Hills, CA, 1975

Jack Lemmon, Beverly Hills, CA, 1970

Beatrice Lillie, Los Angeles, CA, 1966

Beatrice Lillie, Kitchen, Chateau Marmont, Los Angeles, CA, 1966

Sophia Loren, New York, NY, 2000