This is a 1999 interview of Ellen Graham on CNN.
2012 Talking Pictures, Book Release by Liz Smith
“I have known Ellen for years, and she has surprised us now with one of the best collections of the famous I’ve ever seen.” - Liz Smith
2012 Interview with Ellen Graham by George Christy
"For more than forty years, I’ve loved photographing interesting people, and it didn’t take long to get linked into celebrities, who appreciated my work and often came to me.” - Ellen Graham
2012 Interview with Ellen Graham by Scott Eyman
"My basic philosophy is that the camera remembers everything, people forget, photographs are our memories." - Ellen Graham
2011 Talking Pictures, Book Release by David Patrick Columbia
“Ellen Graham’s portraits of movie stars did not look like ordinary people. Her style was borne of golden age of the studios where glamour was a given and the creative forces made it happen.” - David Patrick Columbia
2011 Interview with Ellen Graham by Marshall Heyman
“When I started in this business in the '60s, I didn't go into it so I could photograph beautiful men. There weren't many women photographers. But they thought I was there for something else.” - Ellen Graham
2008 Interview with Ellen Graham by Sian Ballen and Lesley Hauge
“A photographer all her life, Ellen Graham has met and photographed the beautiful people of the latter half of the twentieth century. How gorgeous they were. And so many of them!” - Sian Ballen and Lesley Hauge
2008 Interview with Ellen Graham on Alana and George Hamilton 1974 by David Patrick Columbia
“I’d known George from the time he first arrived in Hollywood in the early 60s. George is a very funny guy, with a great sense of humor; charming, good looking, and very popular with everyone.” - Ellen Graham
2008 Interview with Ellen Graham on Viggo Mortensen 1980 by David Patrick Columbia
“I told him that he should change his name because no one could pronounce or remember Viggo Mortenson. Little did I know I was shooting a star.” - Ellen Graham
2008 Interview with Ellen Graham on Sharon Tate 1969 by David Patrick Columbia
“She was very sweet, very much of a lady, and very cooperative. She trusted me completely but I didn’t have to tell her anything. She knew what to do (and she didn’t have to do anything because she was so beautiful; nobody could look better).” - Ellen Graham
2008 Interview with Ellen Graham on Julie Christie 1974 by David Patrick Columbia
“It was hard to take a bad shot of her – her features, her bone structure, her pale blue eyes, everything was perfect. She’s nobody’s fool. She knew exactly what to do.” - Ellen Graham
2008 Interview with Ellen Graham on Warren Beatty 1967 by David Patrick Columbia
“We did a few things outside on his terrace and then I thought it might be good to get something a little more intimate. I guessed that Warren Beatty’s always in bed, so I asked if I could shoot him there and he agreed willingly.” - Ellen Graham
2004 The Bad & The Beautiful, Book Release by David Patrick Columbia
“Her work has been seen in all the major magazines of fashion and style. Many of her portraits are some of the most important people of their day.” - David Patrick Columbia